London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1911, 2nd edition. 320 pp, 46 b/w photos, uncut pages. Brown cloth hardcover with gold embossed text on spine. Cover is bright. Book has some foxing and cracked hinge. Very Good condition overall.
Includes hunting and several ascents in the Altai. One of the first visits by westerners to the area.
Turner was a mountaineer whose travels included New Zealand and South America, in addition to Siberia. Neate (T71, 72) describes his climbing achievements as 'not inconsiderable,' but his style as excessively bombastic. A New York Times review of his 1911 book 'My Climbing Adventures on Four Continents' noted that his pompous tendencies faded as one read on, 'and there remains only the simple, steady flow of a clear, sincerely narrative full of careful detail and affording at every step some fresh, often charming impression.'
In Siberia Turner journeyed in winter into the Altai Mountains through the Shimelovskaya Pass and to the Belukha glacier. In addition to his climbing adventures, there is content on the Trans-Siberian Railway; gold, silver, and coal mining; the Siberian dairy industry; and big game hunting.