Chapter 2: HONING YOUR SKILLS - FAST! The Optimal Amount of Climb Time, Practice Days Versus Performance Days, Learning New Skills, Blocked Practice of Difficult Moves, Variable Practice of Skills, Skill Guidance Methods, Self-Awareness of Performance, Modeling Advanced Climbers, Developing a Broad Repertoire of Skills, On-Sight Practice Payoffs, The Synergy of Mental and Physical Practice, Speed Training of Skills, Downclimbing Routes, Fatigued Skill Practice, Random Skill Practice, Feedback and Video Analysis
Chapter 3: WELCOME TO CONDITIONINGGeneral Fitness Conditioning: Lose the Fat, Thin the Muscle, Flexibility Training, Strength Training 101, Supplemental Strength Training Exercises Advanced Fitness Conditioning: Sport-Specific Strength Training, The "4-3-2-1 Training Cycle", Phase 1: Four Weeks of Forearm Endurance Training, Phase 2: Three Weeks of Finger Strength Training, Phase 3: Two Weeks of Anaerobic-Endurance Training, Phase 4: One Week of Rest and Recovery Preventing Injury and Speeding Recovery: Supplemental Training for Muscle Balance, Rest and Recovery From Workouts, Nutrition to Speed Recovery, Sleep and Grow Strong
Chapter 4: WINNING THE HEAD GAMESMotivation Multiplies Talent, Goals That Compel Action, Discipline Leads To Excellence, Cranking Up Confidence, Visualization - Preprogramming the Future, Developing Preclimb Rituals, Reasonable Fears Versus Unreasonable Fears, Turning Down the Pressure, Focus - The Mind's Hold on the Rock, Maintaining Control and Poise, Self-Talk Yourself To Success
Chapter 5: CLIMBING YOUR FIRST 5.12 (& BEYOND!)Picking the Right Route, On-Site Climbing Tips, Working a Redpoint Route, Redpointing Your Project, Tricks For Tough Climbs