A used copy of this edition of the American Alpine Journal, in Very Good or better condition. We have most years 1929 to present in stock.
Superb b/w photo folding panorama (8 pages wide) of Alpamayo by Leigh Ortenberger; Western Rib Of Mt McKinley’s S Face by Buckingham; The Life Of A Teton Guide by Unsoeld; Bugaboo Adventures by Beckey; The North American Andean Expedition 1959 (Cord Blanca, excellent photos) by Ortenburger & Dingman; Nudo De Apolobamba (Bolivia N of Pelechucho, with fldg map, the best for the area); Naming America’s Mountains-The Cascades by Farquhar; The Building Of Mountains by N. Odell; The First American Accident On The Matterhorn by Thorington; Japanese Exploration In Nepal (Dhaulagiri II, Langtang Himal, Himalchuli, Gaurisankar) by Kawakita et al; New Facts About Early Wyoming Ascents (Frémont climbed Mt Woodrow Wilson not Mt Frémont, Capt Bonneville made 1st ascent of Gannet Pk, Langford made 1st ascent Grand Teton) by O. Bonney.