A used copy of this edition of the American Alpine Journal, in Very Good or better condition. We have most years 1929 to present in stock.
Cariboo Climbing by Hendricks & Kauffman; Vancouver Episode by Hainsworth (1st ascent of Mt Vancouver, St Elias Range); Führerbuch of Edward Feuz, Sr; In Spirit Land by Beckey (ski-mountaineering “Juneau Ice Cap”); etc.
Volume VII, Number 4, Issue 24, Softcover, 178 pages.
Contents: Vancouver Episode by William R. Hainsworth; The Theory of Belaying by Arnold Wexler; Agathlan by Ray Garner; Sixth-Class Climbing in the Sawtooth Range by Jack Schwabland; Cariboo Climbing by Sterling Hendricks and Andrew Kaurffman, 2nd; American Alpine Club Research Fund: 14. Report on Glaciological Work on Project Snow Cornice in 1949 by Robert P. Sharp; Around Russell Fiord by William Lowell Putnam; In Spirit Land by Fred Beckey; Tennyson and the Mountain-Maid by David Allan Robertson, Jr.; The Fuhrerbuch of Edward Feuz, Sr.; Proceedings of the Club: Secretary's Annual Report, Annual Meeting and Dinner, Report of the Librarian; In Memoriam; Book Reviews; Various Notes.